Why Choose InOut Labs Over a Large C/TPA?

Many employers are not well-served by a large C/TPA for their drug testing services.

When it comes to DOT compliance, InOut Labs specializes in helping employers with the entire DOT compliance package.

What InOut Labs Large C/TPA
Personal Service You’ll always find someone who knows you and is willing to help. We don’t have a call center. Just people. Call center- Different person each time you call. Impersonal.
Testing Centers 18,000 Nationwide Test Centers. National network often limited to a specific lab which may limit choices.
Electronic Test Ordering Thousands of sites electronically enabled for DOT and non-DOT testing. Same
All results Medically Reviewed 4 full-time MROs and 12 MRO assistants make sure there is no undue delay in processing results. Yes, but may be slow.
Test Results Delivery Results delivered immediately and automatically to you. Our web platform is tops in the industry Employers often have to retrieve results themselves.
Supervisor Reasonable Suspicion Training Both live and web-based. Meets DOT requirement that all supervisors be trained. Non-DOT trainings available too. Possibly. You would have to ask
Criminal Background Checks Easy and available so you have only one vendor. Sometimes, but often designed for very large workforces.
Random Testing Administration Both DOT and Non-DOT random testing management. We manage the process for you. No more uploading your employee list. Usually. Some are self-managed, meaning the employer is required to keep employee list updated via a self-serve web portal.
Able to serve smaller businesses That’s our specialty! Often not interested or effective at serving any company other than large corporations.